- a closer view   Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.   

PL21 - Frog on Leaf

PL22 - Frog on Leaf 2

PL23 - Frog on Water Lily Leaf

PL24 - Frog on Wood Platter

PL25 - Happy Sundial

PL26 - Humming Bird & Two Flowers

PL27 - Humming Bird & Six Flowers, & 3 Buds

PL28 - Humming Bird & Six Flowers

PL29 - Bali Plaque - $29

PL30 - Indian Squaw Head

PL31 - Lion with Ring - Water Shooter - $49

PL32 - Pet Tomb Stone

PL33 - Pharaoh Head - Brown

PL34 - Pharaoh Head -White Stone

PL35 - Pharaoh Head - Rust

PL36 - Pharaoh Head  - Silver

PL37 - Three Fairies

PL38 - "Be it ever so humble .." Fairy Plaque

PL39 - "Be it ever so humble .." Fairy Plaque 2

PL40 - Dad's Garden Plaque


- a closer view   Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


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